Monday, December 10, 2007

Traditional Chinese Herb

Traditional Chines Herb

TCM herbal remedies are divided into 5 different seasons. These seasons include fall, winter, spring, summer and late summer. According to the principles that are followed here, the universal energy is at its highest during the summer and herbs are most abundant in the late summer. All foods are also viewed from an energy perspective. Of course, food also provides nutrition, vitamins and calories, but the energy is what is most important here. With this in mind, it is believed that each food vibrates at a specific energy frequency that corresponds to a specific organ. These energies know how to thrive in specific seasons, which corresponds with a specific organ. Each is attracted to the other like magnets and they also enhance one another.

It is important to understand these things about TCM herbal remedies. Of course, it has taken thousands of years to learn this information. With this in mind, some foods can be used as herbal remedies which can help increase or decrease a person's vital energy. For instance, sunflower causes energy to rise, while a plant's root causes energy to flow downwards.

While the principles behind TCM herbal remedies regard food as having healing energies, practitioners are not past using herbs to dramatically help increase the energy within these foods. Many foods and herbs are often mixed together and cooked for hours. As such, the nutritional value has been cooked out of it. Nevertheless, the mixture is still very effective in treating various conditions because of how the energy that remains in it effects the body.

People who believe in the power that is found in TCM herbal remedies truly believe that the universe has provided us with a powerful, natural way in which to maintain good health. In this ancient system of TCM herbal remedies the various factors that contribute to your body being out of harmony are examined so that a permanent solution to the issue can be found. It is believed that this is much better than just treating the symptoms.

Practitioners of this system are able to use herbs in such a way as to be able to find relief from their physical and mental ailments. With this in mind, there seems to be a lot that can be learned here. This deep knowledge is definitely worth the time it takes to learn it because you will then be able to live in harmony with your body.